Shane Robinson
Chief Pilot
Chief Pilot Shane Robinson has been flying balloons for nearly 35 years and has over 5,000 hours flying time. Having flown 45 states in the U.S., extensively in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa and India, as well as Puerto Rico, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Japan, Malaysia and Dubai, he has certainly covered the globe in his career.
He’s crossed the Alps, the Rockies, the Smokies, the Pyrenees Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and the 5 Great Lakes. A past gas balloon National Champion, he has traveled more than 1,000 miles in a single flight on eight separate occasions, the longest being a flight of 1,657 miles from Denver to Vermont. A flight to nearly 30,000 feet above the Earth in an open basket provided a view few witness other than through the window of a commercial jet.
Having accomplished so much, Shane knows the Masai Mara offers the most amazing flight experience and Governors’ Balloons is the best place to realise that dream.